When in Ivry, this is the right spot in rue Jules-Vanzuppe !
Look on your right and there is # 44, old industrial building, former factory.
You are in one of the many splendoured artists' cities of this rediscovered
suburban area.
When Nadine moves somewhere, you're granted it's a great place.

(Maybe I should add a little slideshow of some other places I saw around here),
"Soft you now !
the fair Nadine !
(sottovoce) Nymph, in thy paintings, be all my pics remembered."
... Here she is !

She said "Welcome, so nice to see you again, G@ttoGiallo" !
Yep, we didn't see each other for a long time... since she left my fief, in fact, five or six years ago.
She's all the time to and fro, in India, four times already this year and next trip is due in November...
Wow ! It's a lifework to become a Bollywood Films expert, you know.
I knew her as a film editor and, of course, as a painter.
Here is a glimpse on her last work...

(You can see more on her new blog-gallery).

Around 6/7pm, Viswa arrived and we had drinks, chatting about different matters
like the next NUIT BLANCHE, due on October 4th/5th, when Nadine will be
in charge at Gare de Lyon... Yo ! read here !

And the sun progressively disappeared beyond the railroad
and this beautiful skyline !
(gosh, I think it's time I change my camera).
Yours faithful,