Which new Sony camera for G@tto ?
It has to be small, slim and light so I can keep it in my jeans' pocket.My present camera is a Sony T3 (zoom x 4,
wide 38, tele 114, 5.1 Mpx) : a cool one until
I've tried the T100 (zoom x 5, wide 35, tele 175,
8.1 Mpx) just one year later, but I did't want to
change my camera so soon or each time I fall
in love with another one.
Now it's time, but the Sony landscape is overcrowded with touch screens
and I prefer buttons. I've spent hours examining T200, T300, T500 and
T700, all equipped with sensitive screens, and anyway their specifications
don't match with my needs.Finally, my preferred one is still the T100 -
best tele & zoom for such a compact camera,
only it's too late... they have disappeared !
Your suggestions are welcome.
Hope it works well. I await the photos on this site!
Carla Bruni was on Italian tv last night being interviewed (Che tempo che fa).
Io ho acquistato una Canon Ixus 85 IS a 170 Euro con borsa e una scheda in omaggio. Ha fatto delle bellissime foto però... Però... La mia passione in fatto di compatte (sarà che ho sempre avuto quelle) è Sony e se tornassi indietro acquisterei la Sony DSC-W170 che sta, come la Canon, nella tasca dei jeans e che costa più o meno lo stesso prezzo.
Però, Fab, max tele 140, contro i 175 del T100... che non si trova più (sto facendo il filo a degli amici per farmelo rivendere).
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