An American voice from the Basque Country...
A few days before the US elections, the Basque press focused on... "I've always been pro-Obama,
he's multicultural and sincere"
in the French Basque region, she's
- CEO of Phillips Internet Consulting,
- VP of the local Boss' union,
- VP of the Basque developement agency
and a professional singer.
However, Caroline Phillips is American
from California and...
a long sleepless night awaits her
on November 4th.
(Goizeder Taberna/Oct 31st)
Listen now to Caroline Phillips & Mixel Ducau > BIDAIA Duo...
(Bidaia on Euskal Télébista Nov. 16th 2007)
- Caro's Bio
and some G@tto's pics from the Basque Country, here.