France and National Identity...
"Pour être Français, il faut avoir du sang français"... ?
... if this is true, then there are no genuine countries, they have never existed.
____________ fait le tour de la presse internationale sur un débat
qui fait rage en France...
____________ Eric Besson : The most hated man in France
- Charles Bremmer Tensions grow for Muslims as French debate national identity
- Edward Cody As the French debate their identity, some recoil
Devorah Lauter Sarkozy Stands By France's Hated Immigration Minister
- Bruce Crumley French identity debate is getting out of control
- René Moerland La mala idea de Sarkozy sobre la identidad
- Eduardo Febbro La identidad nacional divide al partido de Sarkozy
- Antonio Jiménez Barca Growing restrictions placed on Muslims
- Jonathan Eyal Now France Debates Islam’s Role in National Identity
- Iman Kurdi Identité nationale : le racisme s’invite dans le débat officiel
- Denis Carlier Touche pas à mon identité !
- Modou Mamoune Faye