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Showing posts with label protest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label protest. Show all posts

June 19, 2011

Second Asian 'Dies Iræ' in Paris' streets

This Sunday, at the initiative of the collective of Asian associations in France,
several thousand
people marched in Paris
, from the place de la République
to the place de la Nation, to protest against
violence and require more security.

, no concrete solution has been found or desired
since last year
when, for the first time, the Chinese community
organized a demonstration to denounce the intolerable
which has lasted for fifteen years, asking authorities
to protect people from any aggressive behaviour and violence.
For some reasons, the protest had turned to ethnic clash...
because of
subsequent aggression on a Chinese woman.

To understand the basis
of this wrath that could jeopardize the art of 'living together' which
long characterized a multicultural neighborhood of Paris like Belleville, I suggest you to
listen to
this France-Culture podcast:
- China from the edge: "Belleville, Chronicle of a Yellow Anger" - an audio documentary
by Alexander
Héraud and Nathalie Salles about how and why all this first started on June 2010
and still hurts one year later.


[Happy listening ... However, if you are familiar with French].

February 17, 2011

Bahrain yesterday, from an expat friend...

Bahrain protesters reclaim Pearl roundabout
in central Manama
Feb. 19th: The standoff in central Manama ends with troops moving out
and the return of jubilant demonstrators demanding change.

2011–2012 Bahraini uprising - WIKI

January 30, 2011

Dies Iræ now settled in Egypt...

"Mors stupebit, et natura, Cum resurget creatura, Iudicanti responsura".
[Death is struck, and the nature, all creation is awaking, to its Judge an answer making"].

Al Jazeera English Live Stream watch now...

11:40 this morning: "The Al Jazeera Network strongly denounces and condemns the
closure of its bureau in Cairo by the Egyptian government. The Network received
notification from the Egyptian authorities this morning.
"Al Jazeera sees this as an act designed to stifle and repress the freedom of reporting
by the network and its journalists. In this time of deep turmoil and unrest in Egyptian
society it is imperative that voices from all sides be heard; the closing of our bureau
by the Egyptian government is aimed at censoring and silencing the voices of the
Egyptian people.
"Al Jazeera assures its audiences in Egypt and across the world that it will continue its
in-depth and comprehensive reporting on the events unfolding in Egypt.
Al Jazeera journalists have brought unparalleled reporting from the ground from across
Egypt in the face of great danger and extraordinary circumstances. Al Jazeera Network
is appalled at this latest attack by the Egyptian regime to strike at its freedom to report
independently on the unprecedented events in Egypt."

Al Jazeera has received widespread global acclaim for their coverage
on the ground across the length and breadth of Egypt.
Special 'Anger in Egypt' coverage page.
- Al Jazeera tweets about the protests from the field.
Map of the 'day of wrath' throughout Egypt.

*** Jan 29/2011 The Egyptian Internet blackout continues into its second full day,
no substantive change overnight. The government seems to have put itself
in a tough
position, as the Egyptian working week begins tomorrow

*** Jan 28/2011 The Internet routing situation for Egypt continues to be bleak, with an
estimated 93% of Egyptian networks currently unreachable. Renesys
saw no significant
improvements or changes in Egyptian international Internet
routing overnight...
*** Jan 27/2011 Confirming what a few have reported this evening: in an action
unprecedented in
Internet history, the Egyptian government appears to have ordered
service providers to shut down all international connections to the

20 ways to circumvent the internet block
[by Anonymous]

ACCESS campaign for digital freedom in Egypt:

President Hosni Mubarak's son, has fled the country, according to US-based Arabic
Akhbar al-Arab. Earlier, unconfirmed reports said Mubarak's wife also fled
to London on Tuesday as nationwide protests swelled.

Will Dominoes Fall in North Africa? [allAfrica]

I strongly hope that the anti-dictatorship's red tidal wave, emerged in Tunisia,
soon submerge all Middle East countries.

Yours Faithful,
Yellow Bastet

Stand up for Egypt and sign the Avaaz petition.

June 20, 2010

Ethnic Clashes in Paris/Belleville

[Bertrand Langlois]

The Chinese in Belleville alleged victims of 'fantasies'
- 'Fantasies' on the Chinese community
- The complexity of the Belleville Chinese
- T
he origin of the motion remains in limbo.

- Une Manifestation de Chinois à Belleville... [AFP]
- Belleville et la Violence, [evous.fr]
- Manif Chinoise et presse poubelle [Réflets de Chine]
- Emeutes à Belleville... [Rue89]
- Les Chinois de Belleville... [Rue89]
- Belleville: des Vies sont en Jeu [leJDD]

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