Four Living Legends of Indian Contemporary Art
Four documentary films, directed by Laurent Brégeat, on four of the founding artists
of Indian contemporary art: M.F. Hussain, Ram Kumar, Akbar Padamsee, S.H. Raza.
A Lalit Kala Akademi production of Arts (National Akademi of Arts, New Delhi).
Tomorrow, May 21/2011 at Auditorium INHA, Galerie Colbert
6, rue des Petits Champs / 2, rue Vivienne - 75002 Paris
Four "self-portraits" captured on the spot, where each artist puts his eyes back on his life,
filtering what ultimately remains essential in his art.Laurent Brégeat reveals the history of the artists' beginnings, their challenges,
their landmarks and highlights their lives, referring friends and events, thoughts
and anecdotes, lessons and influences.
Underpinned by inteviews with art critics, collectors and artists, supported by
unpublished documents, these films - drawing together the historical and sociological context
of these great Indian artists of the post-independence era and showing the journey of a hinge
generation - are essential for the history of Indian and international art.
These films are part of the international symposium of the Research Center on the Far East
of Paris-Sorbonne (CREOP) Heritage of India: research perspectives.
This first series will be followed in 2011 by another set, covering a broad cultural project:
the Archive of Contemporary Indian Art.
Miss Gunjan Gupta, LKA Library - Phone: +91 11 23009225
Laurent Brégeat : - Cell: 06 07 50 14 87