When the Seine River Overflows...
According to the government agency Vigicrues, the Seine River overflows since the
2nd week of December and exceeds of 3.78 m today, flooding the banks of the capital.
[Slideshow on Libération]Once again, happily, we are far from the great flood of 1910, when
the Zouave du Pont de l'Alma was submerged up to its shoulders.
One hundred years have passed since then and the chances for a
similar flood happening again are taken very seriously.The virtual exhibition "1910-Paris flooded"
brings together exceptional documents
[photos, postcards, posters, newspapers,
advertisements, etc.] from the History Library
of the City of Paris as well as from the agency
[clich on images to see all docs].
At the origin of the flooding, heavy rainfalls since summer 1909 and later snow, triggering
the floods of the Seine and its tributaries. These floods affected the Paris region, then the
capital from 21 to 28 January 1910.
The Seine River finally reached 8.50 m above the level 0 of La Tournelle Bridge.