Bolly Be Good... in Toronto !
Toronto hosted last week, June 24-26, the International Indian Film Academy awards, the
Indian version of the Oscars - a three-day festival of dance, music, fashion and movies
culminating in a massive movie awards gala.
Numerous cultural events, film workshops, and movie screenings have also taken place
across the GreaterTorontoArea in the past week, leading up to Saturday night's festivities.

[Chris Young]
For a street level view of these events, assembled a team of citizen bloggers.Numerous cultural events, film workshops, and movie screenings have also taken place
across the GreaterTorontoArea in the past week, leading up to Saturday night's festivities.

[Chris Young]
They've been submitting photos of star sightings, sending updates, and writing about what
Indian cinema means to them.

* Bollywood film awards set for Toronto
* The India's gritty independent cinema
* The backstory, the dinasties, the Bollywood effect
* 10 essential movies from India