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G@tto: On SALE in South Sardinia

September 16, 2012

There was a 'Notte Bianca" in Sanremo...

... yesterday.
Here is a personal choice of attractions...

- a Senegalese drumming group, 'Soul of Africa':

- a funny entertainment 'float-and-roll-on-water-and-stay-dry':

- and absolute latin rythm, in the street:

Yours faithfully,

September 01, 2012

Le MUR presents: Shaka

Le M.U.R. - #127 - Shaka - September 1 / 2012

[Sebastien Desmedt / Vimeo]

August 20, 2012

3rd 'Canicule' Day in Oberkampf, Paris...

... a good reason, if any, to migrate to the coast!

[Sanremo from 'la Pigna' hill'].

August 17, 2012

August 01, 2012

Green & Cheap Accomodation in Paris...

Save your money while visiting Paris, this summer accomodation is for you to rent!

Affordable short term rental in Oberkampf, one of the trendiest Paris' nightclubbing areas, 
two steps away from Le M.U.R. and the legendary Café Charbon.
At the foot of the Eiffel building, in cité Griset, an open air studio, one bed, kitchenette, toilet,
daily free shower allowed thanks to urban irrigation, autonomic system of outdoor lighting.

You're ready for the hottest nights in the capital.
[Contact: Charlie, 4, cité Griset, 75011 Paris - Parmentier/Ménilmontant subway stations].  

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