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G@tto: On SALE in South Sardinia

November 30, 2009

In the middle of a stupid controversy about minarets...

... spreading from Switzerland.
Well, let's have a look instead to the good side,
the wonderful Paris Great
Mosque - minaret included - and, a few steps away, to the Arab World
[Check this video podcast in 2 parts, forecasted by The Guardian].


The Grand Mosque of Paris is an old idea from the time of the colonial France.
Since 1533 - at the time of King Francois I and Caliph Suleiman the Magnificent,
they wanted to build a mosque in Paris for Muslim people.
It's a long story and you had to wait until 1917, when they created an association
in Algiers - at that time Algeria was part of the French territory.
They started to build it in 1922, and it was opened in 1926, so it's an old mosque,
more than 80 years old, and it's a bit of a symbol of French Islam (more).


The Institut du Monde Arabe is a centre for Arabic arts and culture.
The building was designed by French architect Jean Nouvel and intended to be
a dialogue between cultures. It reflects a modern interpretation of traditional
Islamic art and architecture


November 28, 2009

Who's on Le Mur on October 28th...

Don't ask, here he is :

RCF1 is # 60 on the wall story.
(on MySpace)

In the meantime, Zoo Project is suggestively spreading his work
in my fief walls,
as well as in Flickr pages.

November 27, 2009

Hard times for the Berlufioso...

... as the Cosa Nostra's "pentiti" decided to break the silence.

La Repubblica > Mafia, perchè i pentiti accusano Berlusconi
... Nella convinzione di essere stata venduta dopo le trattative degli anni Novanta, la cosca di
Brancaccio ha deciso di aggredire - in pubblico e servendosi di un processo - chi non ha
mantenuto gli impegni.

... La campana suona per Silvio Berlusconi perché è evidente che il 4 dicembre, quando Gaspare
Spatuzza, mafioso di Brancaccio, testimonierà nel processo di appello contro Marcello Dell'Utri,
avrà inizio la resa dei conti della famiglia dei fratelli Graviano contro il capo del governo.
... Berlusconi ha paura perchè quegli uomini non conoscono soltanto la verità sulle stragi (del
1993), ma soprattutto le origini oscure della sua avventura imprenditoriale...

BBC News > Mafia trial judges quizz Berlusconi
Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi appeared before judges on Tuesday in the trial
of a close associate (Mr
Dell'Utri) accused of Mafia money-laundering.
... Judges suspect that money used to create the firms might have come from Mafia sources
via Mr Dell'Utri, although Fininvest insists it can account for all the cash.
... Most of the evidence against Mr Dell'Utri comes from Mafia informants.
TIMES online > Berlusconi faces new bribery trial hearing
A trial in which Silvio Berlusconi, the Italian Prime Minister, is accused of paying a $600,000
bribe to David Mills, his former British tax adviser, will resume next week.

... (But) Mr Berlusconi is more alarmed by another hearing, also to be held next Friday. at which
Marcello Dell’Utri is appealing against a nine-year sentence for “Mafia association”.

The Berlufioso according to :
Enzo Biagi, Marco Travaglio, Sabina and
Corrado Guzzanti, Daniele Luttazzi, Piero Ricca and neurologist-analist
Mauro Mancia...

(Konserva June 2009)

November 25, 2009

Great> TwitterVision> Tweets in Real Time !

A still attractive oldie...


- G@tto isn't dead
- G@tto isn't so lazy
- G@tto has more than 100 followers
- G@tto isn't a loud mouth
nor a G@ttobot

And that's all folks - G@tto is busy now with some sushis.

November 21, 2009

Now, you just follow G@tto on La Pigna Hill...

in Sanremo, Italy.

When in Sanremo, if you ever go there, you'll see this map near the gates leading up
the hill.

Here are two recommended routes :

- the red one :
1 Palazzo Borea d'Olmo, 2 Chiesa Santo Stefano, 3 Piazza Nota & Palazzo del Commissario,
4 Porta Santo Stefano & i Vailai, 5 Porta Bugiarda & Porta del Roglio, 6 Via Rivolte, 7 Oratorio
San Costanzo,
8 Giardini Regina Elena, 9 Santuario Madonna della Costa.
- and the blue one :
1 Chiesa Concattedrale Collegiata San Siro, 2 Piazza San Siro, 3 Le Canoniche, 4 Torre Ciapèla,
5 Porta Montù, 6 Palazzo Manara, 7 Porta Palma, 8 Chiesa San Giuseppe, 9 Porta San Giuseppe
& Via dei Mille,
10 Piazza della Cisterna, 11 Porte Santa Maria, 12 Piazza del Capitolo, 13 Chiesa
Santa Brigida,
14 Piazza dei Dolori, 15 Oratorio San Sebastiano

This is a tough slideshow, so put on your most comfortable virtual shoes and
watch your steps because this is a long way up and down a steep hill.


Strangely, YouTube offers very little on La Pigna medieval area...

This video was made by a class of the local Cassini high school.

November 19, 2009

Great Tour on a Great Wall...

US President in Asia
Special Report

Libération relates
the American Press

New York Times
Wall Street Journal
USA Today
Washington Post


November 13, 2009

The sexual behaviour of...

... SPIDERS (and many other creatures) following
Mrs Isabella Rossellini's latest "observations".


and so on with
bee, firefly, praying mantis, dragonfly, snail and earthworm...

Mrs Rossellini's
Green Porno is a series of experimental short films on animal
sexual behaviour.

The series began
in 2008 with the mating habits of insects and was aired
The Sundance Channel which, from April, broadcasts the second season
on the sex lives of marine animals :
shrimp, squid, barnacle, limpet, elephant seal, starfish and right whale.


November 09, 2009

Der Fall der Berliner Mauer

20 years ago, the Wall collapsed and History took off.




Now, is a planet with no walls possible ? and when ?

The walls anti-migration are specific of the XI century. They have emerged in recent
years and are intended to
ward off the fear of others. (more/fr).

Another 1989 historic event :

Invented by Tim Berners-Lee in 1989, the WEB was
a new way of using the Internet to store text, images,
sound and video... but
just two years later, it was
hailing the web as a roaring success.
This year marks
the 40th anniversary of the technologies that
led to
the Internet.

... and your faithful G@tto is now on the TwitterBerlinWall !


November 06, 2009

Feline Fashion on Le Mur Oberkampf...

Nov. 05th - # 59 - by CHATNOIR 1980.

Sorry, I couldn't find a possible "chatnoir 1980" on the web...
This one exists, anymay.

November 03, 2009

In Memoriam - C. Lévy-Strauss

Claude Lévy-Strauss
(Brussels 1908/Paris 2009).
The father of modern anthropology.

Return to the Amazon.


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