A "petit Parisien" makes a splash in Tokyo...
Yes, Armel, パリから若い男、東京でスプラッシュになります !
Irresistibly attracted by the many {and 1 peculiar] splendours of the Land
of the Rising Sun, he has left behind the City of Lights - and even the
Griset spot [already a nest of Nippon creativity], to join the top fashion
designers in Tokyo...
- Above, from the .jp "Madame Figaro"
- Below : from "Openers" web magazine
Leave a comment on Armel's work and encourage him !
Did he sell the house or is it still for sale in Sardinia? ;)
Now, what happened to your commenyt to Blogtrotter?
I beg your pardon ?
Aren't you mixing things up ?
Yeah! Deliberately mixing your Sardinia House Sale advertisement with the post... It wasn't fun, was it? ;))
Blogtrotter 2 is still in Jamaica; reggae, but no rhum... Enjoy and have a great weekend!!
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