Beyond Borders and the Bamboo-Book...
PPG's readers already know Phil's fair-trade shop...
[but if you don't, click here or on this post title].Philippe Casanova, owner of Au-delà des Frontières, specialized
in the import structure of Asian and African handicrafts, opened
his fair-trade shop after a 10-month trip around the world in 2002.
He is a sustainable development consultant, graduated from the
universities of Montpellier, France and Mannheim, Germany.
His first book, Le Bambou, will be available in France tomorrow.
'On bamboo and sustainable development' on the WFTO site.
* This new book on bamboo, handicraft and sustainable development will be released in major
French-speaking countries (
2010 World Fair Trade Day.
Your Agenda :
Apéro for the book's release,
on May 12, 19:30
Au-delà des Frontières
Showroom - 106 Rue Amelot
Paris XI.