Stoul on Le Mur/Ober...
Le M.U.R. - #113 STOUL - January 26/2012
A Curious C@t Surfing the Net
Le M.U.R. - #113 STOUL - January 26/2012
by [G@ttoGiallo] at 10:19 pm 0 comments
Tags: art, le mur, stoul, street art
Because ACTA 'jacta non est' - not yet - stand up and say 'NO'!
After SOPA/PIPA in the US, ACTA makes its way to the EU Parliament.
An open letter signed by many organizations, including Consumers International, EDRi (27 European
civil rights and privacy NGOs), the Free Software Foundation (FSF), the Electronic Frontier Foundation
(EFF), ASIC (French trade association for web 2.0 companies), and the Free Knowledge Institute (FKI),
states that "the current draft of ACTA would profoundly restrict the fundamental rights and freedoms of
European citizens, most notably the freedom of expression and communication privacy."
Paris, January 23rd, 2012
After the huge online protests against the extremist SOPA and PIPA copyright bills
discussed in the United States, the EU Parliament starts working on their global
counterpart: ACTA, the "anti-counterfeiting trade agreement".
Citizens across Europe must push back against this illegitimate agreement bound to
undermine free speech online, access to knowledge and innovation worldwide.
Tomorrow, the EU Parliament “development” committee (DEVE) will hold its first debate
on its draft opinion report on ACTA.
La Quadrature du Net videos - NO to ACTA (full version)
RESPECT MY NET: Tools to check whether your access provider is manipulating
your internet traffic: Neubot, GlasnostTest and many other additional tools to test
the overall quality of your Internet connections: HERE.
Jan 26/2012 update: The European Union and 22 of its member states signed on
Thursday 26 the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement, or ACTA -- a major step toward
enforcement of the copyright treaty. Eight countries, including the United States, had
signed the agreement this past fall.
by [G@ttoGiallo] at 1:05 pm 1 comments
Today, January 18, is an important day for the Internet. Corporate websites, from
Google to Twitpic, along with civil society groups and individuals, have all joined
together in a common cause: to protest two American bills that could have grave
effects for global online free expression.
The Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and the Protect-IP Act (PIPA) would both force
websites to pro-actively censor potentially copyrighted information, and could inflict
broad damage on the work of digital activists living under repressive regimes, as well
as restrict basic speech freedoms around the world [GLOBALVOICES].
Le site La Quadrature du Net est éteint aujourd'hui pour protester contre les
projets de lois SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) et PIPA (Protect-IP Act) actuellement
en discussion au Congrès des États-Unis, et contre l'accord sur la contrefaçon ACTA
(Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement), actuellement en débat au Parlement Européen.
Ces initatives sont une tentative globalisée de censure d'Internet au nom du droit
d'auteur. Elles porteront inévitablement atteinte à la liberté d'expression, à la protection
de la vie privée, à l'innovation et à la libre concurrence sur Internet.
Nous, devons appeler nos responsables politiques à s'opposer à ces textes illégitimes et dangereux.
Learn more and take action about ACTA at
by [G@ttoGiallo] at 9:53 am 0 comments
Tags: acta, lqdn, pipa, sopa, web freedom
First 2012 'Marché Rétro Oberkampf' to open at AimLoft on January 14-15
week end.
A large selection of vintage items from
the 50s and 60s:
- Mathias' furniture - Manu & Kana's decoration
and lighting
- JP's French and Swiss watches, both automatic
and mechanical, for women and men
- Dan's eyeglass frames
- and, of course, many stands dedicated to fashion
accessories and vintage clothing for women and
men in the beautiful AimLoft space, located on the
ground floor of an Eiffel building...
First Oberkampf 'Marché Rétro' opened on March 2011.
- Cell phone 06 17 93 03 64
- Send a mail
- Le Marché Rétro [blog]
. . .
by [G@ttoGiallo] at 1:00 am 0 comments
Tags: aimloft, brocante, marche retro, oberkampf, second hand shops, vintage
Le M.U.R. - # 112 - Eko Nugroho - January 7/2012
Eko's Site
[TheEkonugroho] "FFR" is a collaboration project betwen DGTMB (Eko Nugroho) and Evily Candy Machine (Wedhar Riyadi).
'Fight For Rice' is the first documentary promoting merchandise-artists in Indonesia. It tells about a 'shop
project' in Yogyakarta initiated by Eko Nugroho.
The project was born to assist local artists in distributing their merchandise. Actually, it is not an individual
project, it involves several people from different backgrounds: by using their knowledge and wisdom, the
artists and the community members have created a micro-economy circuit as a strategy to overcome their
limits and survive.
by [G@ttoGiallo] at 11:55 pm 0 comments
Tags: eko nugrogo, le mur, street art, videos