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G@tto: On SALE in South Sardinia

March 01, 2012

Black Monday on Le Mur, and not only!

Le M.U.R. - #115 - Mardi Noir - March 1/2012


February 25, 2012

'A Nous Deux', Marseille !

G@tto's coming to find out if Marseilles is a good place...
... to move and live in.
Stay tuned, everything is going to change!

(Photo: Daniel Joieux)

Just passing by, in June 2010.

February 17, 2012

When Man and Nature join their skills...

I love nature and documentaries that make us discover the diversity of our planet.
The French channel France5 uses to broadcast many docs produced by the BBC.
This is how I've found one of the wonders that are (or should I say 'were'?) the result
of a fantastic and useful collaboration between man and environment.
Oncle Google allowed me to learn more about these living root bridges:

AtlasObscura brings together information - about the root bridges of Cherrapunji,
(in the Meghalaya region), Bangladesh, India, - gathered by
Bertieinindia, Wythe,
Michelle, Dylan, Nicholas Jackson, Rick, Martofkukuf, Seth Teicher.

[View Larger Map]

At the base of India's Meghalaya Plateau, the local tribes have created bridges across
the area's rivers using living tree roots and branches. These bridges last for hundreds
of years (the lifetime of the tree)... More on
'The Living Bridges of Meghalaya' on The Velvet rocket.

February 16, 2012

'Chansons Coquines' at Pascaline Mulliez Gallery...

It was today, in the occasion of the opening of the exhibition dedicated to the painter
Jean-Paul Laixhay's work [Feb. 16 to April 7/2012].

Discovered by Peter Brook in the Tragedy of Carmen at the Bouffes du Nord Paris'
mezzo-soprano Hélène Delavault allies humour, perfect body language
a sharp tongue
well adapted to such a malicious repertoire:
'Couleur Absinthe', Chansons Incorrectes, which means... 'not very correct' songs.

In this video, Hélène performs L'Amour au Passé Défini, Cyrille Lehn is at the piano.
(music Vincent Scotto, lyrics Géo Koger).
If you understand French, advanced French, you'll really enjoy
every single word!
Here are the lyrics.


As a matter of fact...
Today is the 5th PPG's Anniversary !

February 12, 2012

Raphael Gray's poster now on Le Mur

Le M.U.R. #114 - Raphaël Gray - February 11/2012

"Travel, painting, cinema...
Moving from one
world to another without becoming crazy! "


February 11, 2012

Europe acts against ACTA

Manifestation à Paris de centaines d'opposants à l'accord ACTA.
ont protesté contre l’Accord commercial anticontrefaçon, un traité
international accusé de menacer les libertés individuelles au
bénéfice de la lutte contre le piratage. (read MORE).

Protests all around Europe on February 11/2012...

View ACTA Protests Worldwide - Brought to you by stoppacta-protest.info in a larger map.



ACTA 'iacta non est', yet, so sign online petitons with Avaaz and Access.

February 03, 2012

Refurbishing the French Republic [I mean the square]...

Designed to provide a more pleasant living area and improve the overall quality of
of the environment,
the renovation of the iconic place de la République just begun
with its completion expected
in spring 2013.

So far the 60% of space was dedicated to car traffic - the future sharing of public space
will be
more balanced and pedestrians will enjoy a central plaza with trees, a basin

the statue
and two water mirrors.

But the square, its name and the statue itself have their own story. (check it HERE)

Representing the French motto 'Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité', the statue was inaugurated
on July 14, 1883, replacing the fountain built in 1811 and enlarged in 1865 as well as
the square, whose name was at that time
Place du Chateau d'Eau.
(see the Haussmann urban planning).

Finally, in 1889, the Place du Chateau d'Eau was renamed and took its current name

(Credit: Roswitha Guillemin & Yann Foreix).

As for refurbishing the French Republic... the time is ripe for a change and major
operations are
in progress

January 29, 2012

An eyeblink to the Belleville Dragon

The Dragon parade starting from the main City Hall, then leading toward the 3rd district
Mayor's hall.

The Belleville community of the 11th district, welcomes the Year of the Dragon
on January 29/2012.

January 26, 2012

Stoul on Le Mur/Ober...

Le M.U.R. - #113 STOUL - January 26/2012


January 23, 2012

Protect Your Internet: Kill ACTA

Because ACTA 'jacta non est' - not yet - stand up and say 'NO'!
After SOPA/PIPA in the US, ACTA makes its way to the EU Parliament.

An open letter signed by many organizations, including Consumers International, EDRi (27 European
civil rights and privacy NGOs), the Free Software Foundation (FSF), the Electronic Frontier Foundation
(EFF), ASIC (French trade association for web 2.0 companies), and the Free Knowledge Institute (FKI),
states that "the current draft of ACTA would profoundly restrict the fundamental rights and freedoms of
European citizens, most notably the freedom of expression and communication privacy."

Paris, January 23rd, 2012
After the huge
online protests against the extremist SOPA and PIPA copyright bills
discussed in the United States, the EU Parliament starts working on their global
counterpart: ACTA, the "anti-counterfeiting trade agreement".
Citizens across Europe must push back against this illegitimate agreement bound to
undermine free speech online, access to knowledge and innovation worldwide.

Tomorrow, the EU Parliament “development” committee (DEVE) will hold its first debate
on its
draft opinion report on ACTA.

La Quadrature du Net videos - NO to ACTA (full version)

RESPECT MY NET: Tools to check whether your access provider is manipulating
your internet traffic: Neubot, GlasnostTest and many other additional tools to test
the overall quality of your Internet connections: HERE.


Jan 19/2012 update: PIPA support collapses with 13 new senators opposed.

Jan 26/2012 update: The European Union and 22 of its member states signed on
Thursday 26 the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement, or ACTA -- a major step toward
enforcement of the copyright treaty. Eight countries, including the United States, had
signed the agreement this past fall.

January 18, 2012

Protect Freedom on the WEB: Kill Bills!

Today, January 18, is an important day for the Internet. Corporate websites, from
Google to Twitpic, along with civil society groups and individuals, have all joined
together in a common cause: to protest two American bills that could have grave
effects for global online free expression.

The Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and the Protect-IP Act (PIPA) would both force
websites to pro-actively censor potentially copyrighted information, and could inflict
broad damage on the work of digital activists living under repressive regimes, as well
as restrict basic speech freedoms around the world [GLOBALVOICES].

Le site La Quadrature du Net est éteint aujourd'hui pour protester contre les
projets de lois SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act)
et PIPA (Protect-IP Act) actuellement
en discussion au Congrès des États-Unis, et contre l'accord
sur la contrefaçon ACTA
Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement), actuellement en débat au Parlement Européen.
Ces initatives sont une tentative globalisée de censure d'Internet au nom du droit
d'auteur. Elles
porteront inévitablement atteinte à la liberté d'expression, à la protection
de la vie privée, à l'innovation
et à la libre concurrence sur Internet.

Nous, devons appeler nos responsables politiques à s'opposer à ces textes illégitimes et dangereux.

Learn more and take action about ACTA at http://lqdn.fr/ACTA


January 10, 2012

The Oberkampf "Marché Rétro"...

First 2012 'Marché Rétro Oberkampf' to open at AimLoft on January 14-15
week end.

A large selection of vintage items from
the 50s and 60s:

- Mathias' furniture - Manu & Kana's decoration
and lighting

- JP's French and Swiss watches, both automatic
and mechanical, for women and men

- Dan's eyeglass frames
- and, of course, many stands dedicated to fashion
accessories and vintage clothing for women and
men in the beautiful AimLoft space, located on the
ground floor of an Eiffel building...

First Oberkampf 'Marché Rétro' opened on March 2011.

- Cell phone 06 17 93 03 64
- Send a mail
- Le Marché Rétro [blog]

. . .

January 07, 2012

Eko Nugroho, an Indonesian artist on Le Mur

Le M.U.R. - # 112 - Eko Nugroho - January 7/2012

Eko's Site

[] "FFR" is a collaboration project betwen DGTMB (Eko Nugroho) and Evily Candy Machine (Wedhar Riyadi).
'Fight For Rice' is the first documentary promoting merchandise-artists in Indonesia. It tells about a 'shop
project' in Yogyakarta initiated by Eko Nugroho.

The project was born to assist local artists in distributing their merchandise. Actually, it is not an individual
project, it involves several people from different backgrounds: by using their knowledge and wisdom, the
artists and the community members have created a micro-economy circuit as a strategy to overcome their
limits and survive.


December 31, 2011

ParisPointGriset Best Wishes for 2012...

... go to the women and the men of Syria and Egypt and to every single person
who's suffering, fighting and dying for freedom and a better future.

on 31 Dec 2011]


December 22, 2011

A Mosko's feline on Le Mur/Ober

Le Mur # 111 - Mosko et Associés - December 22/2011

[Check out their site].

[75018laurence] - The poster's making of.

December 18, 2011

Bahrain 6 - Shaikh Isa House in Muharraq

The house of Shaikh Isa bin Ali Al Khalifa is situated in the heart of Muharrak, the old
capital of Bahrain, near to the Grand Mosque and is considered to be one of the oldest
houses in town.

[See more pictures in the slideshow].
The house was built at the end of the 18th century by Shaikh Hassan bin Ahmed Al Fatih
who lived there as well as his sons and grandsons.
Later on, the house became with king Shaikh Isa bin Ali Al Khalifa a residence and a
government centre from 1869 to 1932.
Its huge walls, the small doors and the wind tower were conceived as
a protection from the heat in summer and the severe cold in winter.

- BahrainTourism
- Bahrain Guide

December 17, 2011

Bahrain 5 - The Fort near Karranah

The Fort - Qal'at - of Bahrain [قلعة البحرين], is located by the sea in the northern coast
of the Kingdom
of Bahrain.

[Slideshow by G@ttogiallo]
It is one of the Kingdom's most important historical and archaeological sites where
excavations carried out since 1954 have unearthed antiquaries from an artificial mound
of 12 m height containing seven stratified layers, created by various occupants from
2300 BC up to the 18th century, including
Kassites, Portuguese and Persians.
It was once the capital of the Dilmun civilization and was inscribed as a UNESCO
World Heritage Site in 2005.

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