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April 29, 2007

Focused Nigeria's News : an interesting and enthusiastic point of view...

Check by yourselves on Tayo Odukoya's Break Of Down.

The Nigerian Presidential Elections results have been released
on april 23, 2007.

Governor Umar Musa Yaradua emerged the winner of the Presidential
Elections and is now the President Elect.

Besides, BHF Magazine (BHF stands for "Blessed and Highly
Favoured) - coming on summer 2007 - asks all nigerian writers
to contribute. Tayo already said yes.

If Nigeria is ready for a change then the world will change too...


April 23, 2007

Hopeless Elections in Nigeria

Pit of darkness
By Amanze Obi [nzeobi @sunnewsonline] Monday, April 23, 2007.

If it were possible for an average Nigerian to be shocked, many would have been
astounded by the way the 2007 general elections went. But because the people of
this country have acquired a very thick skin, their reaction to the electoral charade
we have just witnessed did not go beyond a mere shrug of shoulders.

The people were not perturbed because they did not expect otherwise.
Perhaps they would have been roused into some form of excitement if the elections
had followed the path of sanity.


April 22, 2007


HipHop atmosphere at Les Coulisses Club in Montmartre

Si le très jazzy album "Windmills of the Soul" a fait une entrée discrète et élégante dans le monde chaotique du hip hop, c’est parce qu’il est
à l’image de son auteur Kero One. Mc de la veine 90’s et musicien accompli, il a su gérer à la manière d’un chef d’orchestre la totalité de cet LP.
Il n’est donc pas étonnant que ce coréen originaire de San Francisco se trouve encouragé par un grand nombre d’artistes talentueux US et qu’il
vienne d’achever une tournée couronnée de succès au Japon. L’Europe, elle, peine encore à lui ouvrir ses portes, exception faite, comme à son
habitude, de la Grande Bretagne.
Que la France rattrape son retard, en découvrant cet artiste complet et perfectionniste.

Membre du label Plug, King Most, à la sélection fine et éclectique pour les amateurs de sonorités jazz,
retrouvez le dès l’ouverture des portes de cette mémorable soirée.

April 21, 2007

3:00 am : this is a SCOOP !

I'll tell you no more than that DJ KERO ONE & DJ KING MOST - coming straight from Frisco - spent the day visiting places in Paris and here they are, back to Griset, to have a rest in this Paris hot spot. Sweet dreams MOST-KERO-MOAR and be good tonight at Les Coulisses' Club for the...

April 16, 2007

2007 : aux urnes Citoyens !

P&ampeacute;tition pour le maintien du vote papier


La machine à voter peut-elle afficher votre vote et enregistrer autre chose ? Pourquoi les urnes sont transparentes et les logiciels des machines à voter secrets ?

D'autres excellentes questions sur le site (Click sur le titre du post).

Voir aussi :

April 06, 2007

At Eva Pritsky's Brocante

A peculiar secondhand goodies shop with a friendly wine bar

to meet friends and discuss the news... and more
5, rue d'Eupatoria - Phone # 01 44 62 20 69
Place Maurice Chevalier - Paris 20th
M° Menilmontant - Bus 96 - Vélib 20033

Stunning hostess Eva, a former philosophy and french teacher, she spent some
years in
New Caledony, then Ireland as a design decorator.

An ever changing atmosphere following the mood and personalityof passing by friends,
curious visitors or customers.

Buzz is on the air...
... and web surfing as well, at Eva's!
(Other brocante shops in my Paris' Fief)

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