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Showing posts with label Griset. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Griset. Show all posts

October 27, 2013

'Hell and Heaven' - Our Night at Maud's

... but no Rohmer to be seen.

GattoGiallo   -October 26-27, 2013
Probably my last party in Griset, sob! 
... in exactly one month I'll be in Marseille for good.

[In order to avoid claims for copyright infringement, the original soundtrack: 'Snoop Doggy Dogg-Who Am I, 
The Orchard Music', will soon be replaced]. 

July 31, 2013

Two key pieces from my collection [of friends]...

... a lawyer and an expert in Egyptian antique books and prints - a shooting made ​​the day 
after a fab summer eve's 'aperitif' inside my Griset's stronghold.


March 13, 2013

Midnight in Griset: Last 2013 Snowfall?


Despite what is happening currently in Europe - and in my Parisien fief - our planet has 
reached during the last decade the hottest peaks in the course of more than 11,300 years.

Take a glimpse to the Global Temperature [Earth Policy Institute]


October 12, 2011

Theater Time - G@tto recommends...

4 women, 4 generations, 4 explosive characters, 4 destinies...
"Les Chagrins Blancs"

Written and performed by:

Alexandra Galibert, Barbara Grau, Caroline Sahuquet, Stéphanie Colonna,

and directed by:

Justine Heynemann.
[You can hear their interviews by clicking on each pic].

In a luxurious residence, a young woman loses herself, confronted to her anguish and
the ghosts of the past when she is visited by her mother, her grandmother and her

[Click on the pic and listen to Justine talking about her work and watch at some excerpts from the play].

"Of course I am 'privileged'. I live in a mansion, I have a nice car... what did I say? two, I have two cars...
a scooter - just in case. Not to mention the farmhouse in Provence, where I never go... I hate crickets!
But me, who am I?
I have no merit, no legitimacy, I am overwhelmed by the talent of my mother, the
reputation of my
grandmother and the dough of my great grandmother!"

From Sep. 22 to Nov. 5/2011 at
73, rue Mouffetard - Paris V
- M° Place Monge

February 22, 2010

Plumbery Party in Griset.

It has been a week full of anxiety, commotion
and anger,
in Griset, but it all came to a happy
end today
with a "plumbery party" !

Last week, the heater in the bathroom began
to grumble and scream for help :
"I'm too hot, I feel faint, I want to pee and
I'll make a holy mess
if nobody cares for me".

It was critical.

So I gathered a dozen specialists and we formed a committee of inquiry around a
few bottles of Burgundy wine (Volnay) and some appetizers,
in a warm and friendly

After we deliberated, we went to the action : the heating temperature was reduced
and the security group changed.

The night was young, when we broke up, staggering but proud of the accomplished
work. We all agreed with enthusiasm to meet again in a few days -
same bathroom/
same time,
to ease the heater's tank from a few pounds of limestone.
The heater also agreed.


... and one week later :

December 17, 2009

First Snow in Paris...

When for the next ?

March 22, 2009

And Griset generated a new Blogger Blog !

Yes, a new blog is born and now, finally, active :

From Griset to Amwaj Islands

or from Griset, Paris, France... to Tala, Amwaj Islands, Bahrain...
Follow them with the BloggerFollower (and follow G@tto as well).

Since the beginning - the pioneers' era in the 90th, Griset has been
an expat's nest/relay :
- Dominique & Franck : Tokyo, Singapore, Paris, Tokyo.
- Véro & Thomas : Singapore, Paris, Huston, Cairo, Lagos, Paris.
- Aurélie & Séb : Paris, Kuala Lumpur, Paris.
- Nath & Marco : Paris, Amwaj Islands...

Who's next ?

February 16, 2009

"Belleville Story" movie set in Griset.

February 16/18 - arte/Gloria Films shooting the end of "Belleville Story"
on the roof of the Griset's Eiffel building... where Mr Zhu finally sees the
Eiffel tower, before he dies.

directed by Arnaud Malherbe.
* (click on post's title for more infos).
The birth of a friendship amid
the clashes between rival gangs
in Paris' Belleville


[Diffusion le 26 mars 2010 - 20:35].

November 12, 2008

Unveiling G@ttoGiallo !

Who's the author hiding under G@ttoGiallo's Shots in Africa
and ParisPointGriset ?

Discover the First, the Unique, the Original One !

Hidden for ages in the middle of his own huge photographic archives...

(Born March 1990 - Gone April 2004)

Zodiac : Pisces - Nicknames : Furrycat, Miciolino, - Favourite food : Fish, especially tuna fish -
Languages : French, Italian, English (uk) - Favourite words : Appetite, Pellet, Brush, Tuna,
- Favourite games :
To catch & bring back a pellet, Running after a fake hairy spider,
Scratching carpets,
To talk back on demand... Vocabulary : Fish, Chicken, Croquettes, Catnip,
Appetite, Brush, Litter, Bed,
Here, Out, Up, Down, No!, Don't (etc.), Hey!, Ouch!, Catch, Pellet,
Fly, Mosquito, Spider, Cat, Dog... -
Philosophy : Monotheistic Dualism (One Human-and-Cat).

June 03, 2008

Will the rain stop one of these days ?



March 28, 2008

When Smoke meets Clouds in Griset...

... Kenzo Tange campanile stands still against the grey sky.

January 01, 2008

December 23, 2007

Time to say Happy & Hip-Hopping Holidays !

... and a Fantastic 2008 !

But we won't have any presents from now on,
and that's why...

July 01, 2007

June 30th eve... Sophie Perrimond acts in Griset

Sophie Perrimond à Griset
avec les lettres de Calamity Jane à sa fille
(extrait vidéo)

Le 8 mai 1941, sur les ondes de la radio CBS, Madame Jean McCormick déclare être la fille cachée de Calamity Jane. En guise de preuves, elle avance des lettres confessions rédigées par sa mère. Une correspondance sensible et intime écrite entre 1877 et 1902, que sa fille ne devait lire qu’après sa mort... (+)

En 1873, Calamity Jane, 21 ans, donne naissance à sa fille, suite à sa rencontre avec une autre légende de l'Ouest du nom de Wild Bill Hickock. Son style de vie ne lui permettant pas de l'éduquer correctement, elle décide de la confier à un couple sans enfant. Très vite, elle souffre cruellement de l'absence de sa fille et ressent un besoin urgent de communiquer avec elle... (+)

25 juillet 1893 ... "Je fabrique des recettes et les essaye sur ces hors-la-loi d'en face. Je vais d'abord te donner mon gâteau de 20 ans".

25 oeufs battus à part, 2 livres 1/2 de sucre, 2 livres 1/2 de farine, 2 livres 1/2 de beurre, 7 livres 1/2 de raisin secs égrugés, 1 livre 1/2 de citrons coupés très fins, 5 livres de groseilles, 1 pinte d'eau-de-vie, 1/4 d'once de clous de girofle, 1/2 once de cannelle, 2 onces de fleur de muscade, 2 onces de noix de muscade, 2 cuillères à thé de levure de bière, ou 2 cuillères à thé de bicarbonate de soude et 3 de crème de tartre.

Cette représentation était la dernière de la saison, mais dès la rentrée vous pouvez aussi inviter le spectacle chez-vous... le vendredi ou samedi soir, ou le dimanche en matinée. (voir) Contactez Pauline Rocafull, chargée de diffusion, au 06 98 93 94 96 - theatredesroches@yahoo.fr

(Commentaire de G@ttoGiallo : Le gâteau, qu'on déguste après le spectacle, est un vrai délice dans la lignée du Xmas cake).

February 26, 2007

One more movie set in Griset...

Chouette alors, on installe un tramway pour les riverains ?
Une navette privée pour atteindre l'incontournable 96
et nous rapprocher de notre épicier favori, Hamid...

Ben, non... ce n'est qu'un énième tournage dans notre fief.

But which movie ? I have to ask Cricri.

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