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G@tto: On SALE in South Sardinia

July 14, 2008

Our Planet is Talking...

The day before French people pacifically take over the Bastille...
... greenpeace assaulted the Eiffel tower :

"Since coming into power in May 2007, President Nicolas Sarkozy
has been aggressively promoting nuclear energy, and attempting
to sell French reactors at every turn.
His government has signed agreements on nuclear exports and
cooperation with nine Mediterranean and Middle East countries in
the last year".

greenpeace prend d'assaut la tour Eiffel
envoyé par gpfrance

"Nuclear energy undermines the solutions to climate change by diverting
urgently needed resources away from the true renewable and energy
efficiency solutions.
Energy [R]evolution blueprint shows that renewable energy, and greater
energy efficiency can deliver half of the world’s energy needs by 2050,
without nuclear power". (...)

Our Planet is Talking... are We Listening ?


Fabrizio Zanelli said...

The right reply to your question it's really too easy: no.

And about the nuclear thing, the most ridiculous thing is that the only one ready to buy the old nuclear technology from France is Berlusconi.

[G@ttoGiallo] said...

Siamo proprio messi bene !

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