Let's Fractalize Now
Everybody knows what fractals are... you just think to broccoli - you take the whole or the infinitesimal part, the structure won't change. Behind broccoli you find mathematics.
Every day at a few minutes past midnight (Wisconsin time), a new fractal is automatically generated by a variation of Julien C. Sprott's program.
The figure above is today's fractal with a code that identifies it according to a scheme described by Julien.

(Older Fractals of the Day are saved in an archive).
Inspire yourself, visit Chaos Demonstrations, Strange Attractors (red/blue glasses), More Strange Attractors, Julia Sets, Quadratic Map Basins, Iterated Function Systems, Strange AttractorSymmetric Icons, Newsgroup Collection, Animated Gif Attractors, Natural Fractals, Publication Quality Attractors.

And last but not least : Fractal Music !
"Fractal Window I" was created and copyrighted © 1996 by Forrest Fang using Robert Greenhouse's program, The Well-Tempered Fractal,