Philippe Starck talks at Monterey... so funny!
[TEDtalksDirector on Dec. 4/ 2007]
Read the transcript and more on Philippe Starck.
A Curious C@t Surfing the Net
[TEDtalksDirector on Dec. 4/ 2007]
Read the transcript and more on Philippe Starck.
by [G@ttoGiallo] at 4:25 am 0 comments
Tags: arts, design, monterey, philippe starck, ted talks, videos
Prodi : "L'emergenza rifiuti è una vergogna..."
Mais entretemps un autre ferry-poubelle est parti pour Olbia (Sardaigne) où l'accueil sera
sans doute aussi chaleureux qu'à Cagliari et un autre chargement est prévu vers la Sicile.
A Cagliari, les opposants à ce type de livraison ont assiège toute la nuit la villa du président
de la Région autonome sarde, Renato Soru, qui affirme ne pas avoir eu peur.
Je suppose toutefois qu'il a eu chaud...
by [G@ttoGiallo] at 11:29 pm 0 comments
Tags: cagliari, ecology, italy, larepubblica, napoli, planet, prodi, rifiuti, rubbish emergency, see naples and die, tirrenia
... because a friend's friend invited an Inuit family to spend 1 month in Paris.
The two daughters will probably sing traditional throat songs, katadjak, in my fief,
maybe at "La Locandiera" (145, rue Oberkampf, Paris XI) - If it snows...
which is possible this winter.
(Isuma Prod)
Katadjak, or throat-singing, is a form of vocal-verbal art common to many (but not all)
Inuit (Eskimo) cultures.
Inuit throat-singing is done in the following way (click...).
by [G@ttoGiallo] at 12:05 am 0 comments
Tags: cave, chihuahua, crystal, giants, gypsum, mexico, miscellanea, naica mine, science, selenite
by [G@ttoGiallo] at 10:14 pm 0 comments
Tags: art, Griset, le mur, my fief, myfief, oberkampf, paris, parispointgriset, versus et fuite