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G@tto: On SALE in South Sardinia

April 19, 2009

A dive in Nice "Vièia Vila" Atmosphere...

The "Old Nice" district lays between the Place Garibaldi (north), the Castle
Hill (east), the Espace Masséna (west) and the coastline (south).

Snake with G@tto along the ruelles du vieux quartier...

The French Riviera Traveller says : "With its narrow, shadowy streets, cozy
squares, colourful markets, baroque churches and jumble of pastel houses,

Vieux Nice
looks and feels much as it must have about two centuries ago.
The sounds are different though, at least at night when music from the
and nightclubs fills the air with rhythm.
The bustle of tourists and shoppers is replaced by teams of young clubbers
prowling the streets for the latest hangout. Especially on summer evenings,
the Old Town resembles a vast open-air party".

One more time, the open air market on the Cours Saleya is gone...

... and the hose-man is cleaning the place.

Farewell Nice, farewell the French Riviera...
G@tto's planning to move somewhere,
on the coast, in a few years !


April 18, 2009

NCF Nigeria to restore the Agaja coastline.

"The Nigerian Conservation Foundation (NCF)
has embarked on an ambitious coastal restoration
project, involving the removal of the wreckage of
a tanker vessel from the ocean around the Agaja
area of Olomo-Meta in the Ojo Local
Government Area of Lagos State.

According to a statement released by the NCF,
the wreck was the result of an explosion that
occurred aboard the tanker sometime in 1997.
Abandoned by the owners of the vessel since
then, the wreckage has constituted an unwarranted boulder around the coastal baseline,
disrupting the natural hydrological flow of the ocean".
(read more)

Look at this well 12 years ago and nowadays to appreciate the coastal progressive



(Bob & Lisa - from Life in Nigeria, first pointed to this).

April 17, 2009

New : Certified Italian Espresso

First "Espresso Italiano Day"


Each member company which complies
with the certification requirements has
the right to use the mark
Certified Italian Espresso

Altogusto S.p.a. Bianchi Vending Group S.p.a. C.M.A. S.p.a. Caffè Cagliari S.p.a.
Caffè Mokarico S.r.l. Caffen S.r.l. Casadio Unipersonale S.r.l. Cesare Trucillo S.p.a.
Co.Ind (Coop Industria) Soc.coop. Compak Coffee Grinders S.a. Conti Valerio S.r.l.
Costadoro S.p.a. El Mundo S.p.a. Essse Caffè S.p.a. G. Vescovi S.p.a. G.I.FI.ZE
S.p.a. Guglielmo S.p.a. Jesi Caffè S.r.l. Jolly Caffè S.p.a. La Genovese S.a.s. La
Marzocco S.r.l. La Spaziale S.p.a. Magazzini del Caffè S.p.a. Mazzer Luigi S.r.l.
Milani S.p.a. Nuova Simonelli S.p.a. Procaffè S.p.a. Rancilio Macchine per Caffè
S.p.a. S.T.A. Impianti S.r.l. Torrefazione Caffè Krifi S.p.a. Torrefazione Parenti S.p.a.
Torrefazione S. Salvador S.r.l. Torrefazione Saturno S.r.l. Tuttoespresso S.p.a.
Vibiemme S.p.a. Wega S.r.l. Zicaffè S.p.a. Zoppas Industries - IRCA S.p.a.

Click here to become a specialist.

Now, do not imagine you're free to use the trade mark :
G@tto's Certified Foamy Coffee

ParisPointGriset safeguards and promotes the original
"G@tto's Foamy Coffee" through a product certification
requiring a three months training under strict technical


April 15, 2009

Viswa and Nadine are back from India !

This is from Nadine, giving some news...

Hello G@tto,

Un petit mot pour te dire que nous sommes enfin de retour à Paris après notre long

périple indien à la recherche d'images pour le nouveau film de Viswa.

Nous avons épuisé 2 voitures, 2 chauffeurs, et 2 techniciens qui nous ont patiemment
accompagné pendant plus de 2 mois, 15000 Kms autour de l'Inde et sans jamais s'arrêter
2 nuits de suite dans la même ville !
Un bien étonnant parcours.
Nous avons traversé les campagnes, arides, brumeuses
au petit matin, les lieux de culte
envahis de marchés de pacotilles, les grandes métropoles aspergées par le béton des
flyovers et les carcasses de futurs buidings, les savoureuses côtes
de cocotiers du Kérala,
puis finalement découvert que l'Inde moderne globalisée est bel
et bien en marche, à sa
façon, dans tous les sens possibles. Un vertige de lieux, de rencontres,
de regards croisés...
Et voilà, Paris semble si endormi après tout ça !

Viswa monte son film, encore bouleversé de n'avoir pas pu revoir son pays d'il-y-a trente

ans, ou si peu.

De mon côté j'ai retrouvé en bonne écolière le chemin de l'atelier, tiré quelques images

que je médite en tentant de trouver sous quelle forme elles pourraient faire sens.

Waiting for news...

... and one pic, for the moment :

Fishing in the south.
(Click on title for Viswa).

April 13, 2009

The Elders Wisdom...

"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our
liberties than standing armies.
If the American people ever allow private banks to control
the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation,
the banks and corporations that will grow up around the
banks will deprive the people of all property until their children
wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered".

Thomas Jefferson, 3rd President of the United States of America,
(Letter to the Secretary of the Treasury Albert Gallatin, 1802)

(Bcc to G@ttoGiallo, 2009).


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