BHV vertical meadow...
you can see this one behind the Paris' "Bazar de l'Hôtel de Ville"
A Curious C@t Surfing the Net
by [G@ttoGiallo] at 3:50 pm 1 comments
Tags: bhv, Branly Museum, paris, patrick leblanc, vertical gardens
... this will set your nerves on edge.
Click here
and kill 10 flies in as little time
and with as few swings as possible...
by [G@ttoGiallo] at 6:02 pm 0 comments
Tags: flies, flyswatter, games, kill
We definitely love Charlie Todd's concept, in Paris
by [G@ttoGiallo] at 1:22 am 0 comments
Tags: beaubourg, flash mob, freeze, freezing, improveverywhere, paris, videos
The Million Blog list started on April 10th, but what about reaching one million blogs ?
G@tto's # 871
Each week one blog from the list will be highlighted (chosen at random).
The only requirement is that the blog selected randomly :
- display the listed badge,
- include Million Blog List on their blog roll,
- and/or mentioned Million Blog List in a previous post.
by [G@ttoGiallo] at 9:43 am 0 comments
Tags: blogosphere experiment, le mur, million blog list, oberkampf
Il dado è tratto ! what a shame !
(or see Italy and die)
by [G@ttoGiallo] at 12:07 am 0 comments
Tags: 2008 elections, italy, politics, res publica, World
Buy a flat or a house in rue Oberkampf !
It will take a little while but this 6-storey building will offer 17 apartments from 22 to 78 sqm
and 2 houses (maisons de ville) from 178 to 225 sqm - in the back, with private garden
(see the wild spot below, in the middle, where the new building will take place).
by [G@ttoGiallo] at 5:24 pm 0 comments
Tags: architecture, maisons de ville, my fief, new building, oberkampf, paris
by [G@ttoGiallo] at 12:40 pm 0 comments
Tags: april 13/14, berlusco, cicero, italian elections, politics, res publica
Are these people :
- monk candidates,
- extras for a movie,
- bringing their linen to the laundry,
- what else ?
According to an unverified source, this pic would come from Britain's government communication head quarters (GCHQ), electronically monitoring the world from space (wrong angle, wrong uniforms, wrong time, etc.).
See also
by [G@ttoGiallo] at 3:55 am 0 comments
Tags: gchq agency, lhassa, monks, riots, soldiers, tibet, World
by [G@ttoGiallo] at 10:51 pm 0 comments
Tags: art, cafe charbon, la place verte, le mur, le tone, oberkampf, paris, videos
... "Il fatto è che quest'uomo (Sua Emittenza) inquina talmente la vita italiana nella sua interezza da costringerci a votare per Veltroni, pur se non convinti, perché è l'unico vero oppositore".
(Berlusco & Mozzarella Show)
by [G@ttoGiallo] at 10:10 pm 0 comments
Tags: andrea camilleri, berlusco, italian elections, politics, res publica
... SAN FRANCISCO, April 8th
... PARIS, April 7th
... LONDON, April 6th
by [G@ttoGiallo] at 2:45 pm 0 comments
Tags: beijing, blog action, london, olympic games, olympic torch, paris, san francisco, videos, World
by [G@ttoGiallo] at 2:44 pm 0 comments
Tags: 2015 universal expo, architecture, culture, duomo, izmir, lifestyle, milan
by [G@ttoGiallo] at 6:41 pm 0 comments
Tags: penguins, telegraph tv, videos
Who said cats aren't dumb ?
A short true story by Bev.
Lazing on the couch and bang, crash, bang ! What’s exploding in the kitchen ?
The washing up machine isn’t on and had seen Tessa streaking past so knew she
wasn’t up to anything. Rushed in and see this tabby cat throwing itself at the kitchen
window, falling off and taking picture frames, cake tins etc with it.
Then, it runs back a bit farther from the window and leaps once again into the glass
- more clangs as other things fall to floor with cat. I open the bay windows in the lounge
and manage to chase the cat out that way just as it’s getting ready for its next leap.
Later am ensconced in bed with the two furry purries asleep in contented dreaming
balls. Turn out the light and snuggle down. Bang, crash, bang… I leap up, cats’ heads
rise. Cats followed by me descend to inspect the commotion. Tessa sees that
daft cat again and goes streaking upstairs to the safety of her bed (well mine
actually). Toby having gone into the lounge only sees a streak and runs up after.
Once again I am confronted with a flying cat who doesn’t seem to realise one
can’t fly through glass (although he should do, it’s at least a month since we
cleaned the windows!). It runs out of kitchen just as I open the terrace doors.
However, it seems to me that the streak went downstairs and not out into the
garden. I creep into the office in the basement and these eyes stare at me from
a shelf. As I advance the hissing gets angrier and angrier. “Well, we’ll try food”
I think and go to collect some biscuits.
Tessa, having got up tremendous courage follows me down to add to my problems.
I chase off Tessa and approach gingerly with outstretched dish.
Hiss, hiss, whack, whack. It jumps up in air and runs madly for the door. Being a daft
cat, it can’t tell the difference between an open glass door and a closed one so goes
flying into the door on the right – the one that is shut of course.
Toby arrives. “This is my house” he screams and lunges. Fur is flying. I yell for René
who comes grumbling down ‘cos I woke him up. “Can’t you see there’s a cat fight?”
I cry. At the commotion Toby backs off and this very dumb cat runs back into the kitchen
and crouches under the table staring at us. René tries to move him to the cat door with
a broom. Cat teeth and claws attach themselves to the broom and then let go and the
orbital cat goes for the window again, this time landing on the radiator with the electric
toaster. So, that doesn’t work. We open the window avoiding flying claws and try again
but now the window is open it does want to go through it anymore.
After much (dangerous) effort René manages to get it thru the cat door.
Well, it shouldn’t be back so René, Tessa and I go back to bed but Toby keeps watch.
The next evening Tessa comes to the couch where we are both sitting and we think
she wants a cuddle but she gives a fearful look towards the glass doors. Yes, that dumb
cat is back in the garden !
We see it off and haven’t seen it since, but then it’s only been two days and a cat that
is so dumb it can’t figure out that if you come in thru a cat door maybe it’s the best way
out, can’t be relied upon to think that maybe our garden isn’t the best place for it.
I checked Toby over and sweet blue eyes hadn’t lost a hair. It’s more than I can say for
the dumb (but very pretty) tabby. We’re still sweeping up !
Well, I say that that is one dumb cat.
by [G@ttoGiallo] at 1:38 pm 2 comments
Tags: bev, cats, dumb cat, feline story, novel, true story