© 2007-2021

October 31, 2008
October 30, 2008
From G@tto's Paris Album...
Just 3 pics from a walk around the Branly Museum...
Square Rapp, on avenue... Rapp (from my Flickr).
Detail of the Art Nouveau building on the left side of the square.
(Jules Lavirotte,1899).
and the Iron Lady, of course...
the Eiffel Tower.
2:12 am
Tags: architecture, avenue rapp, eiffel tower, jules lavirotte, paris, paris album
October 23, 2008
Gosh ! another serial killer spider !
Giant bird-eating spider struck in a backyard in Atherton, west of Cairns,
- Spider is a Golden Orb Weaver
- Bird was a Chestnut-breasted Mannikin
Joel Shakespeare, head spider keeper at the Australian Reptile Park, said the spider
is a Golden Orb Weaver.
They usually feast on large insects and break down prey with their venom into a liquid
soup. It's unusual to see one eating a bird," he told 9msn.com.
Found on Telegraph, Oct 08/22, by Bonnie Malkin, Sidney... then redirected to 9msn.
Thanks to Bonnie & co. from all PPG's spider admirers ! Yes, those who still come
to PPG to see once more the legendary camel spider !
Now, if you want to know more about this web weaver specialist...
go ahead > (Script : Damon Ramsey BSc.(Zool) Biologist Guide)
The 'Golden Orb Web Spiders', Nephila spp. are among the largest of the spiders
to build aerial webs.
They sit in the middle of their large 'orb' or circular shaped web usually with their
legs spread out and head pointing downwards.The abdomen is elongated and often
decorated with blacks, yellows and whites.
These spiders are referred to as a 'golden orb web' not because of the colours
sometime found on the spider (that can include golden yellows), but because, at the
right angle, the yellow silk of the web takes on a very delicate golden colour.
Unlike many spiders, they often leave their web up for some time, merely effecting
regular repairs. They can do this because their web of yellow silk is one of the strongest
amongst the spiders (Preston-Mafham and Preston-Mafham 1998).This is probably a
reflection of the large size of much of the prey they capture, for even the remains of
birds have been recorded in their webs (Raven 2000).
Most specimens of Golden Orb Web spiders observed are the females. This is because
the Nephila genus has the biggest size difference between females and males of any
spiders, with the tiny males sometimes being seen in the web.
(Smiling Golden Orb's portrait by Pagebao in Taiwan).
following sentence found somewhere in my searching about the Golden Orb :
"Mostly harmless, but they have inadvertently killed some 20 people over the years.
People died either from fright or tripping over as they tried to avoid or escape from
their rather strong webs."
Pat the spider now !
[More posts about spiders...]
7:43 pm
Tags: golden orb weaver, science, spiders, wildlife
When it comes to optical Cats !
Cat lovers...
will prefer the cat for sure,
isn't it ?
This one starring here looks optically satisfied.
(Click below to see the video)
(Video by wwwsikhote / Discovered on Moillusions.com)
5:59 pm
Tags: cats, curiosities, humour, optical illusions, videos
October 17, 2008
I couldn't resist and posted this...
A great street show in Nigeria !
(by tosche22)
... and later, added 2 more, because the show must go on !
(by preplan)
... and it does !
In Manila and NY and in many other places where people know better !
(by snubbens)
October 15, 2008
2008 Blog Action Day... but keep campaigning !
GRID-Arendal is a collaborating centre of the United Nations Environment
Programme (UNEP).
Established in 1989 by the Government of Norway as a Norwegian Foundation,
their mission is to communicate environmental information to policy-makers and
facilitate environmental decision-making for change. (go to site).
(Now, when these decisions wil be taken and who's going to take them...)
"Like slavery and apartheid, poverty is not natural.
It is man-made and it can be overcome and eradicated
by the actions of human beings." (Nelson Mandela).
The change will be long without everyone's involvment and will,
so take action now
and keep campaigning
to make poverty and poverty's B(log)A(ction)D(ay)... history.
2008 > 12,800 Bloggers - 14,053 Blog Posts - 13,498,280 Readers
1:17 am
Tags: 2008 blog action day, grid arendal, make poverty history, poverty, unep
October 11, 2008
104 - a building's story beginning in 1873...
... and continuing with today's opening as an Arts' new center.
When ? Today, Saturday, October 11/2008 - from 2;30pm to 2:00am.
What for ? Discover its different spaces through the pieces of artists from all disciplines.
Where ? At 104, rue d'Aubervilliers, of course !
and What ? The Guardian says...
The International Arts Network :
- Los Angeles, CalArts
- Berlin, RadialSystem
- Rome, ZoneAttive
- Madrid, Matadero
- Paris, Centquatre
(For those who visited Andy's photo exhibition, on last February, at Jardins d'Eole,
the 104 is just a bit higher, righthand, along the same rocking street).
2:18 pm
Tags: 104, art, centquatre, paris, rue d'aubervilliers
October 09, 2008
KatuHoria's SlideShows...
There is a beautiful road in the Basque Country...
climbing from Pas de Roland after Itxassou village, following the
Nive river and sneaking across some fairy woods, then leading
up on the Artzamendi (Bear Mountain)...
Pas de Roland.
(oh! mais où est-il donc passé ?)
Philippe Moçotéguy, a Basque
guy, explains what the Basque
Country is...
Don't leave yet, I'm going to show you some streets of Bayonne and a few
other Basque spots around the town... just follow KatuHoria's steps.
12:31 am
Tags: artzamendi, basque country, itxassou, katuhoria, pas de roland, slideshow
October 08, 2008
KatuHoria in the Basque Country...
The Basque Country is the territory which is historically,
ethnically and culturally Basque.
Spanish and French may call Basque Country (Pays
Basque, País Vasco) only to a portion of the country, not
the whole nation.
Nevertheless, Basques conceive their country as
embracing the area of the traditional seven provinces :
Lapurdi, Nafarroa Beherea and Zuberoa on the French
side, and Bizkaia, Gipuzkoa, Araba and Nafarroa on
the Spanish side.
The Basque name of the Basque Country is Euskal Herria.
The Basque name of G@ttoGiallo is K@tuHoria.
(K@tuHoria recommends a conscientious approach
of the Basque culture before you go farer).
3:09 am
Tags: basque country, Bidaia, gattogiallo, katuhoria
October 02, 2008
Dear PPG Readers, I'm sorry...
I am in the Basque Country having fun with Bidaia...
and some new local friends :
... but don't worry !
I'll be back one of these days with a lot of basque red&green pics.
Yours faithful,
9:38 pm
Tags: basque country, Bidaia, katu horia, photography, travels