Susan Dreamed a Dream... becoming true ?
"Boyle, from the small town of Blackburn
in West Lothian, Scotland, won international
acclaim for her performance of I Dreamed a
Dream, from Les Miserables, at her audition
which aired in April on the first show.
An estimated 20 million viewers are expected
to tune in to watch the live final of ITV's Talent
(Simon Alford)
Susan Boyle performing in April...
Grand Final Tonight !
Later update :
Piped to the post by "Diversity", Susan Boyle can hold her head up high with Second Place.
The Little Tiger's journey has only begun !
I am actually watching the results at this very moment
Hollie Steel sounds good
I don't understand "Diversity"
Julian Smith is good though
Boyle, Smith, Steel are my top three.
Hi Mandy, great to see you, I'll watch the final results on ITV, I'd appreciate Su as winner, she's so... she's a nice person.
I don't know her competitors anyway.
Julian Smith came third.
Susan was second to "Diversity".
Arf ! great for her !
Now going to see what the others look like...
Thanks Mandy.
The headlines in this morning's papers are all still going on about how much money Susan is going to make despite coming second, 6 to 8 million pounds it seems.
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