Everybody knows what fractals are... you just think to broccoli - you take the whole or the infinitesimal part, the structure won't change. Behind broccoli you find mathematics.
Every day at a few minutes past midnight (Wisconsin time), a new fractal is automatically generated by a variation of Julien C. Sprott's program.
The figure above is today's fractal with a code that identifies it according to a scheme described by Julien.
February 2008/10th' FractalFebruary 2009/9th' Fractal February 2008/8th' Fractal February 2008/7th' Fractal February 2008/6th' Fractal(Older Fractals of the Day are saved in an archive).
Inspire yourself, visit Chaos Demonstrations, Strange Attractors (red/blue glasses), More Strange Attractors, Julia Sets, Quadratic Map Basins, Iterated Function Systems, Strange AttractorSymmetric Icons, Newsgroup Collection, Animated Gif Attractors, Natural Fractals, Publication Quality Attractors. Now I assume you want to start and create fractals yourselves, so here you can find a large choice of programs.
And last but not least : Fractal Music !