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December 03, 2007

The never ending story of the hyena men's picture

A successful photograph indeed !

Originally posted by a brazilian tourist to Scamorama in December 2006, this
picture (+ 2 more) made protographer Pieter Hugo decide to go to Nigeria to learn
more about the gadawan kura (hyena men, in Housa language).
He did it, met journalist Adetokunbo Abiola, together they got in touch with the hyena
men guys... and Hugo made a book.

The picture was also asked to appear as cover illustration
by some editors
and was featured on the cover art of the
Gorillaz album "Demon Days" and "NO HOLIDAY-80 Places
You Don't Want to Visit", a Disinformation Travel Guide.

I stumbled across these impressive photos end of December 2006, when I was back
from Nigeria and sure I regretted I wasn't lucky enough to meet any hyenas at all.

Last week, I had a Flickr alert for someone uploaded hyenas pics, so there I went
and guess what ? It was the old Scamorama pics.
So I told the guy I already knew them and ask if he had a blog or something where
I possibly could watch them... There was no answer and the pics soon vanished from
his Flickr photostream.
Nonetheless, the picture has been uploaded by many other Flickr users :

- PeaceablePrimateSanctuary, Javaneh and Hamid, coolpictureguy, caffeineguy -
ryanclark75 and joi.

December 01, 2007

NEW ! le Ministère de la Désintégration.

Oui, ce nom serait mieux approprié.

Ce soir j'ai négligé mon Mac pour suivre avec beaucoup d'intérêt l'excellent magazine de Elise Lucet, Lionel de Coninck et Hervé Brusini.

Suivant les nouvelles directives, la police traque désormais les clandestins, sans exception.

Même ceux qui malgré tout travaillent, côtisent à la sécu et payent leurs impôts, ont plus que jamais intérêt à raser les murs pour se rendre sur leur lieu de travail car la chasse est ouverte et les contrôles fréquents. Il s'agît d'en expulser au moins 25000, fissa, de désintégrer justement ceux qui avaient réussi à s'intégrer - ce qui déjà n'était pas une mince affaire.

Le petit Jésus va bientôt renaître pour la énième fois, mais des gens moins égaux que d'autres continuent de mourir de trouille dans leur chaumière, dans le pays des libertés, à l'idée de se retrouver dans un centre de "rétention" avec vue sur le tarmac d'un aéroport.

Je ne rentrerai pas dans le détail des conséquences de cette méthode car je viens d'entendre Thierry Mariani, le rapporteur des lois sur l'immigration et j'ai besoin d'un whisky bien tassé.

November 26, 2007

We are all painters ! aren't we ?

This is a really quick and ugly reproduction
of a G@ttoGiallo's 35x45 inches oil painting...

Let's play a game :
I've added 5 plugins (why! I like
calling them this way),
Try and find them next time you
get bored,
Then check for the right answers...

Yallah !

Now, it's not forbidden to take a
screen shot
of your own creations
publish them on...
well... here !

And now, imagine this is your
Oberkampf "Mur"...

Create your masterpiece, Jackson Pollock's style :
Drag your cursor across the screen,
Click your mouse button to change colors,
Press space bar to erase...
Move in a studio for inspiration, go !

Yallah !

November 24, 2007

Another Wall, LE MUR... in G@ttoGiallo's Fief

LE MUR, in extenso : Modulable, Urbain et Réactif.
Le Mur sur MySpace
(more info)
Various artists express their talent on that 3x8m free space since the City Hall accepted the project. TomTom, l'Atlas, Alexone and Vast were among the first ones to expose their work in this welcoming little green spot close to the Café Charbon - Oberkampf/Saint-Maur corner.

Swoon (#22) - november 10th

Epsylon Point (#21) - november 4th

C 215 (#20) - october 20th


november 25th


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