Well, either you take the next flight to Bali... or you take some brown rice OR bavette and some frozen porcini mushrooms. You mix them together in a pot and you stir...
or+ ... you stir until you get this :
which is delicious but requires half an hour, or this : which demands a shorter time and, holy c@tness, is maybe too good ! Now you'll probably forget the bad weather. ___ (Do not follow these instructions, it's a trap).
This movie was first released on Jan 21st 2010, and was banned 2 days later on all major Chinese video websites.
DigiCha says : ... "Google’s recent moves in China have captured global attention about censorship and Internet controls in China, eliciting protests from inside and outside China. But there is a much more entertaining protest about China’s web controls circulating on the Internet : ”网瘾战争 War of Internet Addiction”. It is an hour long video, “shot” almost entirely with in-game video from World of Warcraft, satirizing the government’s attempt to “harmonize” China’s Internet with forced installations of “Green Dam Youth Escort” and the travails of Chinese World of Warcraft players over the last several months. It is quite brilliant".
This video contains a lot of Chinese history and pop culture references along with a lot of internet meme only known to Chinese since this video is targeted at the Chinese audience only. If you wish to understand a bit more, you should read>more info... ____
Yes, on January 13, the "Emmaüs Challenge" opened a new 200 sq m odds and ends marketat the "104" - rue d'Aubervilliers, Paris 19.
PPG readers already know about the Centquatre, the contemporary creation centerbut, if you're new here, you just lend your earto this boy's speech (en).
Emmaus is a an international movement with more than 300 projects in over 40 countries worldwide.(Click on Emmaüs logos to learn more). ____
Now, why not to spend this Sunday strolling from a secondhand shop to a flea market, from Emmaus/104 to a yard/garage sales, jumping between the following G@tto's suggestions...
Paris V - marché Maubert Paris X - Place Johann Strauss Paris XI - 8 passage Thiéré (La Mécanique Ondulatoire) - 11 cour Debille Paris XX - Cours de Vincennes ____
About 500 people gathered on Saturday 16 in front of the Maison des Métallos (a cultural institution) in Paris XI, in support to Rayhana...
The actress and playwriter had been doused with gasoline on Tuesday 12, as she walked into the theater to perform in her play A mon âge, je me cache encore pour fumer (At my age, I still hide to smoke).
Despite the assault, Rayhana took the stage the same evening and kept acting until the end, on January 16, as expected. Since December 8, nine actresses appeared every night on stage at the Maison des Métallos, in the role of nine Algerian women meeting in a hammam - their refuge against the world of men, while conversing freely on their daily lives and their difficulties in the Algerian society.
The mayor of Paris Bertrand Delanoë, has told the Press this terrible event could be linked to the subject of Rayhana's work. ___ I'm afraid this attack could also be related to the proximity with one of the most fundamentalist mosques in Paris.
A classic from Rohmer's "marivaudages" Le genou de Claire (Claire's Knee), 1970
Did I say "marivaudages" ? "(le mot)... décrit un certain type de dialogue amoureux (dont les comédies de Marivaux offrent le modèle), il renvoie à une certaine façon de vivre l'échange sur le mode de la galanterie et du badinage. C'est dans ce sens large que le mot est de nos jours le plus couramment employé pour désigner une atmosphère enjouée et spirituelle, des rapports amoureux fondés sur le jeux de la séduction, tels qu'on les trouve dans les films d'Eric Rohmer, par exemple". Eric Négrel, 1999, on "Le Jeu de l'Amour et du Hazard". ____
On January 14 Arte features Les Nuits de la Pleine Lune (Full Moon in Paris), 1984, with Pascale Ogier (that I met at a party in 1983).
My nephew's searching a quad and published an ad on a French popular site. Here is an amazing offer (fr) from Benin and some links related to Mrs Lopont.
The writing alone is worth the French Academy's grand prix de la francophonie.
Bonjour J'ai bien reçu votre mail et je vous en remercie. En effet, il s'agitdun quad en bon etat de marche les pneux ont eté changés parce qu'ilsétaient un peu usées. En ce moment mon mari et moi nous avons quitté la france pour le béninà cause du travail de mon époux. Nous avons fait rappatrié tout ce quinous appartient pour les utiliser ici et voilà que le local qu'on nous a allouéici au benin est trop restraind pour contenir tout ce que nous avions faitrappatrier ici le quad est pour mon fils ainé et suite a une maladie du coeuril est decedé il a trois mois passer et chaque fois que ses frères et soeursretrouvent le quad au garage ils se sentent déprimer et mal a l'aise détruirede tout leur plus chère frère se qui a crée une clise cychologique (wow!) pour sasoeur C'est pour celà nous avons décidé de faire don de ce quad que nous avons à une personne sérieuse qui serait dans le besoin pour son travail. En effet, nous sommes mon mari et moi français et celà va faire bientot 6mois que nous sommes au bénin à cause du travail de mon époux.Comme la place manque aussi , nous l'avons laissé dans les locaux del'agence de transport qui va se charger de vous la faire rappatrier vers lafrance. Vous avez la chance parce que le quad arrivé ici n'est pas encorereimmatriculée au bénin, donc l'immatriculation est toujours française ettous les papiers français. Si vous etes d'accord pour vous la faire rappatrier, sachant bien sur queles frais de d entretien seront à votre charge car nous on a deja assurerles frais de transport, veuillez me faire signe pour que je vous transmetteles coordonnées de l'agence de transport qui s'en occupe pour que vousles contactez afin de remplire les formalités et récupérer le quad. Si non,laissé moi votre adresse domicliere complete comme la suite NOM...PRENOM... RUE... VILLE... PAYS... CODE POSTAL... TEL... PAYS... NB: Votre silence me prouvera que vous n'etes pas intéressé et je n'hésiteraipas à contacter une autre personne dans le besoin.Le quad est bien a donner a titre gratuit on a decider de la donner et nonde la vendre, voici l'adresse email de la societeaireuropa-transport@europe.com ou contactez les directement au 00229 9987 0012 dites que vous venez de la part de Mme Lopont si non laissermoi directement votre Nom Prenom Ville Pays Tel Rue pour que je vousenregistre directement a la societe. Mr et Mme LOPONT
Voici les caracteristiques et photos de mon quad:
QUAD YAMAHA 350 RAPTOR HOMOLOGUE ROUTE , 3100 kms,septembre 2006, blanc noir argent tout équipé (nerf bar, pare-buffle,très beau kit déco, protège triangle, feu stop type R1 a led, petit retrocarbone, coupe circuit, élargisseurs avant et arrière, guidon AFAM,poignées PROGRIP...) ligne complète CRD inox 2 pneus arrières tresproche du neuf ainsi que les jantes (renforcées et polis) tres bienentrenue vidange tous les 6 mois possibilité remorque spécial quadavec rampes de chargement intégrées.
Eventually, a few days ago, I was dragged to see Avatar on a cold, very cold evening. A Siberian wind was blowing on quai de Seine as we reached the MK2 movie theater, where we had to wait outdoor for twenty minutes prior to be allowed inside. It was so cold we even met a white bear, standing on a ridiculous but real fragment of ice field, floating on the Villette channel and he was shaking too, his fur messed up with the wind whirls. My camera freezed in my hand, refusing to release the shutter,so no bear picture, sorry. As a result, when I wanted a picture of the 3D spectacles, I had a blurry effectdue to condensation, but I was there for special effects, after all. Now, about Avatar...happily I was primarily attracted by the movie's 3D effects which are fantastic and I can't wait this technology to be applied to interesting issues by a less commercial film director than Cameron and not necessarily exploring virtual worlds.
Nonetheless, I liked the idea of avatars as a way to enter a virtual environment and was charmed by those little creatures jellyfish-like, dancing in the air and almost touching the audience in their seats, but I disliked the antropomorphic view of Pandora, where human feelings are copied and pasted on its inhabitants' behaviour. In short, the story is nothing but a fairy tale following the old good/evil dichotomy, with the final triumph of the good. *Avatar massive launch through basic social media (Mashable). * ... but hit by claims of racism (Telegraph) * Have a scientific look at the film, with Copernicus' update. *The year of 3D (boingboing). *Latest 3D technology and LCD shutter glasses(engadget). *1935 anagliph 3D with red & cyan glasses was nice too...
(EponimoTV - fr) "La Face Cachée des Fesses" Directors : Caroline Pochon et Allan Rothschild Co-production : ARTE France/Un monde meilleur France (2009, 55 mn) The Telegraph takes aim at French Fesses (documentary)... "As one internet commentator noted, "Between swine flu, minarets, Sarkozy and the debate on national identity, here at last is a subject that gives pleasure." ___
(...) "Google launched its own DNS service last month, one of the main stated goals behind the project was speed. The problem is that... G@tto... has no idea what a DNS server is, let alone how to configure one, or test how fast it is". (...) Thomas Stromberg, a Google engineer based in Belgium, created Namebench, a piece of software to find the fastest DNS server available for you to use. The program is available for OS X, Windows, and Linux, and the entire thing has been open sourced by Stromberg.
I'm sure this is enough to give you a reason to redirect you toward TechCrunch... who knows better !